Since 2009, PCH Tutors has worked to provide its community with excellent, private in-home tutoring services.

At this time we have transitioned our team to 100% virtual tutoring sessions.

How tutoring Works

  • In getting started we first speak with a client over the phone to get an understanding of their student's needs, academic background, and what is creating difficulty for a student in a particular subject area.

  • From there we discuss what a student's scheduling needs are so that we can help to facilitate a long-term tutoring relationship with one of the expert tutors on our team. It's always more helpful to work with the same tutor each time, so we try to make sure that schedules align from the start between tutors and students.

  • Finally we ask parents what kind of personalities their student responds to best and what their student's learning style is like so that we can assign the tutors we think will fit their needs.

  • Once we’ve matched our students with the right tutor we mail out an iPad and Apple Pencil that will facilitate an easy online experience. Don’t worry, we’ll provide a set-up walkthrough to ensure students are prepared for their first online tutoring session.

Since we work with students online, you can work with your tutor anywhere you have an internet connection. Pick the place that’s most comfortable and conducive to focus.

our tutoring Services Include:

  • SAT & ACT Test Prep.

  • IB & AP Course tutoring: Calc AB, Calc BC, Stats, Chem, Physics, Bio, English Lit, English Lang, European History, U.S. History, Government & Econ


The best teachers are those who tell you where to look, but don’t get caught up in telling you what to see.
— Alexandra K. Trenfor

Our Mission

We strive to make learning personal and meaningful for our students. 

Our Vision

It's our goal to inspire a spirit of lifelong learning in our community. We think it's important for students to understand that they will always be students of life. Therefore, our tutors aim to spark their curiosity and equip them with the critical thinking skills needed to seek out the answers to their questions.