
Why Nations Fail: Success Only Happens When Everyone Has a Seat at the Table

Education about what your political system and policies are doing is really important. That’s one of the main challenges to being able to be politically active and have a seat at the bargaining table of how we’re going to run society: knowing what’s actually happening with laws being passed and measures you do have a voice in stopping or passing. What we don't have today will be forever fighting for unless we’re working toward changing the policies that are in place.

Why You Should Study History And Tips on Taking the AP European History Exam from an AP Euro History Tutor

We can't understand ourselves and our world without understanding what's happened, both in the recent past, but also in the centuries before us that led to where we are now. Especially now, during a time that can feel very polarizing, history helps us learn from past experience that our neighbors, communities, or countries lived through.