online tutoring

How To Write a College Application Essay or Personal Statement That Stands Above the Rest

With thousands of students applying for college, how do you write a poignant, unique college application essay that stands out from the rest and still tells an authentic story about you? Here, Jake offers some tips on how to start mapping out a successful personal statement for your college applications - but that’s not all. He and Hilary Bilbrey are combining their expertise to bring you an online workshop this Fall which will help you map out your essay(s) and dig deep into the core values and identity of who you are, for an experience that will transcend just the college application experience.

Meet the Team: Lizzie S., Tutoring Student-Turned-Tutor-Herself, Talks About Taking a Gap Year

Former PCH Tutors student and current tutor Lizzie Scott is taking a gap year between high school and college. A future Columbia engineering student, she’s spending this year off exploring her passion for food science, working while traveling, and learning how to surf.

Why Your Official SAT Score is Lower Than Your Practice Test Scores

Why Your Official SAT Score is Lower Than Your Practice Test Scores

You've studied, you've quizzed, you've prepared for your SAT for months. Now you've taken it, but you scored lower than your practice scores. Why? Online learning expert and director of student success at Everydae Marc Feder has some answers and some tips to help you ace your tests without the stress.

Meet the Team: Hannah Rouse

Meet the Team: Hannah Rouse

Hannah Rouse is a Pepperdine student and an exceptional PCH tutor. Learn about her online tutoring experience, adventures studying abroad, and her jam-packed extracurricular activities schedule that focuses on helping her community in diverse ways.

An Interview with a Teacher: Pam Monder Describes Revamping Her Curriculum for Online Teaching in Covid-19 Times

An Interview with a Teacher: Pam Monder Describes Revamping Her Curriculum for Online Teaching in Covid-19 Times

Vermont teacher Pam Monder details what it’s like to be an educator and the challenges of adapting to online teaching during a global pandemic.

How is PCH Tutors Supporting Online Tutoring in Pandemic Pods and Micro Schooling this Fall?

How is PCH Tutors Supporting Online Tutoring in Pandemic Pods and Micro Schooling this Fall?

As Los Angeles school districts remain remote this fall due to COVID-19, PCH Tutors will offer pod and micro-schooling for groups of same-level students while also remaining committed to providing quality, custom, one-on-one online tutoring.

Interview with a High School Student: Rosie P., Areté Preparatory Academy

Interview with a High School Student: Rosie P., Areté Preparatory Academy

An interview with Rosie P. who is a passionate artist, Areté Prep high schooler, and PCH Tutors online student who thrives on discussion-based learning, online tutoring, and developing her art practice.